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In tossworks, you can register email addresses for team members or task assignees, but we clearly differentiate between members and contacts.
Contacts are like entries in a phone book – they are the contact details you save. Registering someone as a contact doesn't notify them, and you can name them whatever you like. Here,
we'll show you how to add and manage contacts.
To add a Contact, select Contacts from the button in the top right corner.
Contacts are identified by email addresses. In the opened window, enter the email address and click 'ADD CONTACTS'.
You can also register contacts in bulk – just put each email address on a new line.
To view a list of contacts added, click on Contacts from the left menu.
Clicking on an email address lets you view that contact's information. You can freely change a Contact's name. Don't worry – changes won't notify the person.
Also, from the Contact detail screen, clicking Request a Task in the top right button lets you assign a Task to that contact. Tasks assigned to the Contact are listed at the bottom of their detail screen.
Table of Contents