Manage Workspaces (Only for Team plan users)

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What's a Workspace?

A Workspace is a group created for managing tasks, members, and information. Each Workspace's information is completely separate from others.

It's common to create workspaces based on project units or team units, where you can share information.

Workspaces are available only with Team plan.

Create a Workspace

To create a workspace, click the '+ Add Workspace' button at the bottom of the left menu.

In the pop-up window, enter your desired workspace name and click 'CREATE WORKSPACE'. Note that you can create up to three workspaces.

Manage a Workspace

When you create a Workspace, it automatically switches to the Workspace screen.

Click the gear icon next to the Workspace name in the left menu to open the Workspace settings.

Here, you can change the Workspace name.

Switch Workspaces

To switch to a different Workspace or your personal space, select the a Workspace or personal space name from the bottom of the left menu.

Manage Workspace Members

In a Workspace, you can manage Members. For more on Member management, please see Manage Teammates (Only for Team plan users).

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